Bare-metal to local Docker registry and volumes

Internet speed is the top-priority for our server. We already experienced in the past slow internet speed on Arbutus that caused us a lot of issues, specifically on the environment building phase. The binderhub was stuck at the building phase, trying in vain to pull images from to our server.


When the notebook was successfully created, slow internet is not an issue anymore because the interaction between the user and the binder instance is not demanding.

Among many ideas, one of them that came up pretty quickly was to simply create our own local docker registry on arbutus. This would allow for low latency when pulling the images from the registry (connected to the local network where the binderhub resides).

The following documentation explains how we built our own docker registry on Arbutus, it is intended for developers who want to spawn a new Binderhub on another openstack host. It contains also instructions on how to create volumes on openstack (for the Repo2Data databases) and attach them to the docker registry.


It is still not the case, but in the future we expect the docker registry spawning to be part of the terrafrom configurations.

Instance spawning

The first thing to do is to create a new instance on Arbutus using openstack. It provides a graphical interface to interact with our openstack project from computecanada.

You will first need to log-in into the openstack dashboard.


You can request the password to any infrastructure admin if authorized.

Now you can spawn a new instance under Compute/Instances with the Launch Instance button.


A new window will appear where you can describe the instance you want, the following fields are mandatories:

  • Instance Name: name of the instance, choose whatever you want

  • Source: OS image name used by the instance, select *Bionic-x64*

  • Flavor: hardware configuration of the instance, c8-30gb-186 is more than enough

  • Key Pair: list of the public ssh keys that will be allowed on the server, find the one that match the binderhub you created in Bare-metal to BinderHub

Click on Launch instance at the bottom when you finished.

External floating IP

To access the instance from the outside, we need a public floating IP pointing to the instance. If you don’t already have one, you can allocate a new IP under Network/Floating IPs and by clicking to Allocate IP To Project.

When it is done, click on the right of the instance under Compute/Instances to associate this new floating IP.



You have a limited amount of floating IPs, so be careful before using one.


Firewall rules will help you protect the instance against intruders and can be created on openstack via Security Groups.

  1. Create a new Security Group under Network/Security Groups.

  2. Click on Manage rules on the right and create an IPV4 rule for all IP Protocol and Port Range, with a Remote CIDR from your local network.

    For example, if the internal IP address from your instances is in the range 192.167.70.XX, the Remote CIDR would be


    Using a Remote CIDR instead of Security Group could be considered as unsafe. But in our case it is the easiest way to allow access, since all our binderhub instances uses the same private network.

  3. Enable also the ports 22 (SSH), 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS).

  4. Update the Security Group under Compute/Instances, and click on the right to select Edit Security Groups.

You should now have ssh access for the ubuntu user on the instance

ssh ubuntu@<floating_ip>


If you cannot access the instance at this time, you should double check the public key and/or the firewall rules. It is also possible you hit some limit rate from compute canada, so retry later.

DNS specific considerations

We will need to secure the Docker registry through HTTPS to use it with Binderhub, it is not possible otherwise.

The Cloudflare DNS will defined the registry domain and provide the TLS certificate for us.

  1. Log-in to cloudflare


You can request the password to any infrastructure admin if authorized.

  1. Under the DNS tab, you have the option to create a new record

  2. Create an A record with a custom sub-domain, and the IPV4 address pointing to the floating IP from External floating IP.

Volumes creation

One feature of Neurolibre is to provide database access to the users of the Binderhub, through user predefined Repo2Data requirement file. These databases are stored into a specific volume on the Docker registry instance.

In the same time, another specific volume contains all the docker images for the registry.

These volumes will be created through openstack.

  1. Go under Volumes/Volumes tab

  2. Click on Create a Volume and define the name of the volume and its storage size

  3. Attach this volume to the Docker registry instance by clicking on the right of the instance under Compute/Instances

  4. Repeat the process from (1) to (3) to create the Docker registry image volume

Once the volumes are created on openstack, we can ssh to the registry instance and mount the volumes:

  1. Check that the volume(s) are indeed attached to the instance (should be /dev/vdc):

    sudo fdisk -l
  2. Now we can configure the disk to use it,

    sudo parted /dev/vdc
    mklabel gpt
  3. Check that the partition appears (should be /dev/vdc1):

    sudo fdisk -l
  4. Format the partition,

    sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/vdc1
  5. Create a directory and mount the partition on it:

    sudo mkdir /DATA
    sudo chmod a+rwx /DATA
    sudo mount /dev/vdc1 /DATA
  6. Check if /dev/vdc1 is mounted on /DATA

  7. Repeat all the steps from (1) to (6) for the Docker registry volume (name of directory would be /docker-registry).

Docker registry setup

After ssh to the instance, install Docker on the machine by following the official documentation.

We will now secure the registry with a password. Create a directory auth and a new user and password:

mkdir auth
sudo docker run --entrypoint htpasswd registry:2.7.0 -Bbn user password > auth/htpasswd

Create also a folder that hold the registry content (for easier backup):

sudo mkdir /docker-registry

After that you can launch the registry,

sudo docker run -d -p 80:80 --restart=always --name registry \
-v /docker-registry:/var/lib/registry \
-v /home/ubuntu/auth:/auth -e "REGISTRY_AUTH=htpasswd" \


/docker-registry is the Docker registry volume that we configured in Volumes creation.

Now the registry should be running, follow this documentation to test it.

You can try it on your machine (or another instance). You would first need to log-in to the Docker registry using the domain name you configure in DNS specific considerations:

sudo docker login --username user --password password
sudo docker pull ubuntu:16.04
sudo docker tag ubuntu:16.04
sudo docker push


The Docker registry can be accessed through its HTTP api. This is how you can delete images from the registry for example.

BinderHub considerations

On each k8s node (including the worker), you will also need to log-in. You may also need to add the docker config to the kubelet lib, so the docker registry is properly configured on you kubernetes cluster.

sudo docker login --username user --password password
cp /home/${admin_user}/.docker/config.json /var/lib/kubelet/